Sept. 7, 2022
With the start of school and a new job, I have not properly introduced myself and my family to the community of Miles. On July 28, I was named the Lone Finalist for the Miles ISD Superintendent position. This job is what I have been working toward my entire career and I am grateful to serve in this position for the Miles Community. I started my position here on the first day of school and hit the ground running! I'm sending out this digital newsletter so you can know more about me and my family.
My wife's name is Sara Stevens. She grew up in Roswell, NM and we met at Texas Tech University. Sara has taught Pre K, Kindergarten, 1st grade, 5th grade math and science, FCS, and is currently teaching Gov/Eco, US History, and some FCS classes. Sara was also an Elementary Counselor for 2 years at Reagan County. She enjoys cooking and reading. She is always by my side and we work as a team to serve the communities that we live in.
Sara and I are proud parents of Sadie and Daelyn Stevens. Both girls have been active in school, community, and church. Sadie is a 19 year old Freshman at Texas Tech University (3rd generation Red Raider). She is an avid reader, Christian, and is majoring in Early Childhood Education. Daelyn is a Sophomore at Miles High School. She participates in Volleyball, Basketball, FCCLA, One Act Play, Golf, and UIL Prose. In the past, both girls were active in 4H and showed goats and lambs.
I grew up in Sterling City and for the past nine years, I served as the Secondary Principal at Sterling City ISD. I served as JH Principal at Iraan for one year, and I was a principal at each campus at Reagan County for five years (3 years at the elementary, 1 year at the middle school, and 1 years at the high school). Prior to that, I was the Athletic Director (4 years) and coached all sports at Kress ISD for a total of 5 years. I began my career in Rocksprings where I coached and taught History. I have had a wide range of opportunities to serve students, staff, parents, and the community and will use what I have learned for the betterment of Miles ISD. My administrative experience has allowed me to see the importance of academics at all levels and the importance of extra curricular activities. I enjoy hunting, playing golf, and watching sports (from the Bulldogs to the Cowboys, and the Red Raiders in between!)
As Superintendent of Miles ISD I will embrace these three core leadership values: visibility, relationships, and communication.
Visibility- I believe it is very important as the leader of Miles ISD to be visible at school and in the community. Leaders of the school will be present at school events.
Relationships- developing positive healthy relationships with the students, parents, staff, and community are key. These relationships do not always mean we agree with each other, but by developing such relationships we can all achieve the ultimate goals of educating and developing good quality human beings.
Communication- communicating is a key element in leadership. Communicating the mission, vision, and goals of the school is vital to our success. By keeping people informed, our school can become as transparent as possible.
My educational philosophy:
Education begins at birth. Young children's minds are sponges. As parents, reading with your young children will promote educational development at an early age. This helps in language development, vocabulary, and also shows children that adults read too. In grades Pre K-2, it is very important that we develop their reading skills. As students enter grades 3-5 they begin making the transfer from learning to read to reading to learn. Reading then becomes the essential element to all subject areas, in fact, reading is in everything that we do. All state tests are ultimately reading tests, therefore, teaching your child to become a strong reader is of utmost importance.
When students begin to reach JH and High School, many activities are provided for students to reach success. Students have the ability to participate in Athletics, Band, FFA, FCCLA, UIL Activities, and many other activities. My goal would be for each student to find at least one activity where they can be successful. Extra curricular activities teach students to persevere when times get tough. Life is not always easy, therefore, teaching students how to deal with difficult situations is extremely significant to the development of the whole child.
Students, Parents, and School Staff ultimately have the same goal- to develop each person to be the best they can be. In this development, students do experience failures, disappointments, and set backs. The lessons learned from those experiences are of great importance. Failures are a part of life, it is what you do after you've experienced adversity which determines the course of ones life. Do we make excuses or do we make adjustments to improve? Miles ISD is a safe place for students to make mistakes, learn from them, and empower them to make adjustments allowing success to be achieved!!
My goal for every student is to pursue their dreams!! Through hard work and perseverance, students will achieve GREATNESS!!
If you see me or my family out in the community please come by and say hello so we can meet face to face. We are blessed to be part of a great school and community. It is always a great day to be a BULLDOG!!
Ty Stevens