Whether you are a recent graduate looking to begin your teaching career or an experienced educator seeking new challenges, Miles ISD welcomes you! Current job openings are listed below.

To apply, click the job links.

Job Openings:

School Nurse - Must be a Certified Registered Nurse.

Director of Special Programs - Must have a Master's Degree in an Education, Educational Administration, or related educational field and Certified T-TESS Appraiser. Job duties would include the following: Oversee all ESSA Programs (Title programs, ESL, Migrant) State Comp Ed, GT, 504, District Testing Coordinator, and Student Health Advisor Council lead.

Certified Elementary Special Education Teacher

JH/HS Secretary - A front office person to maintain accurate attendance records for the campus. This person will also manage the phones and assist parents as they register new students. They will maintain student's permanent records and assist the principal in finding substitutes teachers.

Head Volleyball Coach/Teacher - This position could be tied to Secondary Social Studies, SPED or English.

Boys Coach/Teacher - This position could be tied to Secondary Social Studies, SPED or English.

Girls Coach/Teacher - This position could be tied to Secondary Social Studies, SPED or English.

Computer Technician - This position will only be during the summer and part-time.


Bus Driver

Substitute Teacher

Printed-out, completed applications can be mailed to the following address:

Miles Independent School District
c/o Ty Stevens
P.O. Box 308
Miles, TX 76861
Phone: (325) 468 – 2861
Fax: (325) 468-2179